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Jan 9, 2020
My Fair Share of Happiness
Happy New Year Reader. A time of resolutions, promises, wishes, and so, I thought, the perfect moment to share some thoughts on...
Aug 22, 2019
Truth and Telling Stories
What is our responsibility to represent truth on stage? As a person who makes theatre- dare I group us? Yes, I do- as people who make...
Jan 18, 2019
Grief, Two and a bit years on.
For reasons that I don’t totally understand, I went to university and never wrote a dissertation. I did a practical module at a local...
Aug 23, 2018
Women, Woman, and Woe-man
Women. Men. Humans. I am herewith self-publishing my answers to an interview that didn’t make the cut. But never fear, it might not be...
Jun 17, 2018
1972: The Future of Sex
I’m currently working on a rather delightful play, ‘1972: The Future of Sex’, originally by The Wardrobe Ensemble (a really interesting...
Dec 9, 2017
Some thoughts on performance and Audience
I’ve written previously about process vs performance, specifically in relation to creating work with ‘community’ groups and in...
Feb 28, 2017
The role of the Director
I run theatre workshops for primary school groups, exploring arts and creativity. At the beginning I’ll introduce myself as a theatre...
Dec 21, 2016
I have tried, and failed, to write this blog post five times. In fact, this is the scariest thing I have ever written. I want to write...
Sep 21, 2016
Things as they are
I wrote a blog post a while ago about how audiences respond to theatre; about how every one of us is an expert at deciding whether a...
Aug 2, 2016
What’s going on in there? Or: the longest blog post I’ve ever written
We’re into the second week of rehearsals for Anything Other’s first show, All of Me. I’ve been thinking (my mother: “always dangerous”):...
Jun 20, 2016
About uncertainty (and Theatre)
I’ve heard the word ‘uncertain’ repeated over and over in the news this week. With the EU referendum on Thursday, the killing of MP Jo...
Apr 16, 2016
Why make theatre?
It feels like a question which should be pretty straightforward and simple to answer, but it requires some thought. A lot of it actually....
Jan 29, 2016
A long drive with Fear and Creativity
Well, it’s been a while… I could fall back on ‘not enough time in the day’, or ‘got stuff going down’ (the latter, if I were American, or...
Jan 18, 2015
Script club: an insight into our research and development phase.
Script Club is a project which sees writers going back into the communities in which they grew up to write a new play with, and for, that...
May 28, 2014
Process vs. product (hearts vs. turds)
In the world of community arts there exists a heated debate around process and product and which is the more important. Until recently I...
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