My Fair Share of Happiness
Happy New Year Reader. A time of resolutions, promises, wishes, and so, I thought, the perfect moment to share some thoughts on...
My Fair Share of Happiness
Truth and Telling Stories
Grief, Two and a bit years on.
Women, Woman, and Woe-man
1972: The Future of Sex
Some thoughts on performance and Audience
The role of the Director
Things as they are
What’s going on in there? Or: the longest blog post I’ve ever written
About uncertainty (and Theatre)
Why make theatre?
A long drive with Fear and Creativity
Script club: an insight into our research and development phase.
Process vs. product (hearts vs. turds)
Why you know best
Creative Sharing
Facilitating Lee Harvey Oswald
Solving the case of Lee Harvey Oswald
Creating a church through the arts- no religious belief required.